Light Beyond


Becoming outpost of light.

It was the early 90s. I thought I was doing all the right things––church, prayer, Bible study, small group, service––but I wasn't getting the right results. I cannot say what results I was looking for, but I knew I was unable to "live the promises" of peace, joy, and fullness of life Jesus spoke of (John 10:10). I was a pile of dry bones desperate for a fresh breath. I wanted that "Something More" Catherine Marshall speaks of in her book by the same name. I didn't know what that 'something more' was, much less the language to describe it or the slightest idea how to get it. A pastor friend encouraged me to pray more, be in the Word more, and serve more. Clearly, that wasn't working.

As a ministry and marketplace leader, where did I turn? I needed a place of confidentiality. I felt embarrassment, shame, disappointment, and the list goes on. What was wrong with me? As a last resort, I sought the advice of a respected counselor in a distant community. However, after three visits, she said, "Ann, you don't need a counselor. The last thing you need is a therapist. What you need is a spiritual director." And I said, "What's that, and where do I get one?"

I inched my way forward under my spiritual director's listening gaze and holy questions. I learned that our Triune God was inviting me into a different way of being in relationship, and different ways of making space for God's transforming grace to work its work in me.

Along the way, I noticed others with the same hunger for 'something more.' A few of us, then a few more, then a few more, gathered around the presence of Christ, using the spiritual practices of Jesus and the early church to begin a deeper journey together. Deep down, we desired to be schooled and formed by the Holy Spirit for the healing of the world. To use Curt Thompson's beautiful phrase, we wanted to become "Outpost of Light, Beauty, and Goodness."

Small beginnings.

And so, in 2008, the clergy/leaders School of the Spirit was born. Revs Drs Jody Seymour and Lillie Jones, recognizing the pressing need, returned to Jesus's fundamental contemplative practices. Their aim was clearly to restore the souls of leaders, offering a much-needed renewal to those who tirelessly give of themselves—renewal to 'thirsty water-givers,' as Jody Seymour puts it to this day. Their vision and encouragement, and those of the core facilitator team, sparked a flame of hope and launched the first cohort.


Many Christians long for something more: to live the promises freshly and vibrantly, to be an outpost of light, to grow closer to God and others, and into their true selves. However, sometimes, it isn't easy to figure out where and how to start. If you, too, long for inner transformation and are perplexed about how to go about it, School of the Spirit would be an excellent experience. As one pastor said, "I can preach it and teach it and pass it on, but I can not live it. I had no idea how badly I needed to be schooled by the Spirit, how badly I needed co-companions with the same hunger to become more."

A pathway.

I'm not an expert, a theologian, or a pastor. I'm just a fellow pilgrim walking the Way. What I am really interested in is recovering something ancient and enduring—an honest historical witness—a testimony from across time from men and women who have lived the Christ-life from the depth of their being and carried their faith forward from generation to generation to us. Their witness and walk, their seeing the light beyond the visible, inspire my hope-filled movement toward wholeness. School of the Spirit offers a pathway to wholeness, blending ancient wisdom with modern learning in a contemporary setting to pursue a hope-filled journey. It's affordable, accessible, and achievable.

Apply today for School of the Spirit!

Begins: July 29-30, 2024
Questions? Contact Ann Starrette, at
Dates, registration, what you receive, and much more here:

Ann Starrette
Program Overseerer

Other Upcoming Offerings

  • The Vibrant Elements

    • The Vibrant Elements workshop includes "Strategies, Systems and Smarts" to navigate life, relationships with God and others, and most importantly guides us toward our ordained purpose. Living a life on purpose is living a vibrant life! A vibrant life means that you have discovered who you are at the core making a commitment to use your natural elemental makeup to carry out your God given purpose.

    • Saturday, June 8, 2024
      9:00 am - 3:00 pm

      • Facilitated by Nicole Greer

    • Learn more and register here

  • Exploring the Arts as Spiritual Practice

    • Theme of Gathering

    • Each retreat day, participants will engage with and explore various creative and contemplative practices, experiencing how they intertwine and marry together to deepen one’s connection with the Divine.

    • Saturday, July 27, 2024
      9:00 am - 4:00 pm

      • Facilitated by Roxanne Morgan

    • Learn more and register here.

  • Second Mile Mentoring

    • Second Mile Mentoring is an opportunity for SOS alumni who desire to share the contemplative practices they have learned with their community of faith. More info here

Creating space for God to strengthen souls and nurture growth toward vibrant wholeness in Christ for the sake of others.


One Small Thing