One Small Thing


If you’ve been through School of the Spirit, The Sacred Invitation, or any other retreat at Starrette Farm, you likely have a story to tell. A story of a light bulb that went on and something became more clear. A story of trust, of friendship, of love, of vulnerability and acceptance. A story of a deeper awareness of the Spirit’s presence. A story of transformation.

If you’re like so many of us who have been blessed in this sacred space, that story often began with one small thing. Maybe it was a reading, a poem, or a song. Maybe it was a Holy Spirit question asked in a trust circle. Maybe it was a conversation with a favorite tree or even just a gentle breeze in the woods that made you feel renewed and alive in a way that you had not felt in so long.

For me, it was the poem, “Fire” by Judy Sorum Brown, that opened my heart to the desperate need for Sacred Space in my life and in our world. Below I humbly offer my own reflections on that “one small thing.”

in the School of the Spirit, you will find...

… the hospitality of Jesus, your friend,

in the gentle breeze of the Spirit’s breath,

in the soft glow of the flickering candle flame

and in the warm embodied welcome of all who walk alongside you on the journey

… the comforting aroma of a wholesome home-cooked meal,

and the nourishing warmth of budding friendships around the table.

… rich texts and discussions to stimulate the mind,

and art, poetry, and music to stir the heart and soul.

… brilliant teachings and insights on ancient spiritual practices,

and quiet trust to discern God's personal invitations for your life.

… the beauty and wonder of all four seasons

under the canopy of nature's sanctuary,

and the honest sharing of the winters, springs, summers, and falls of each other's lives.

… a labyrinth, winding trails, Stations of the Cross,

the serenity of Walden Pond,

and countless sacred spaces to walk with the Spirit,

or to sit still and rest in the arms of Divine love.

even the walls of the retreat house whisper words of grace,

every corner and crevice offering surprising glimpses of God's Holy presence.

Simply entering the wooded drive is like crossing the threshold into Eden.

One is compelled to turn off the radio,

to slow down,

to open the windows,

and to breathe more deeply

the fresh air of this hallowed ground

where God freely walks with us, talks with us, rests with us,

and calls us to our truest selves,

by the name for which we were created

... Beloved.

The whole of the experience cultivates space for God's transforming work,

yet it is often one small thing,

one activity,

one practice,

one book,

one unexpected conversation,

one image,

one reading,

one question,

one song,

one poem,

one line,

one word,

one moment,

that takes root in the depth of our being,

and bears fruit we never imagined for years to come.

One seed scattered in the most unexpected place,

that will forever change your life.

Open yourself to mystery,

to awe,

to wonder,

even to discomfort,

for the tilling of the soil of the soul

is both arduous and beautiful.

And through it all, you never walk alone.

  • What is your one small thing?

  • How is your heart continuing to open to the mystery and presence of the Holy Spirit?

  • Where have you most seen God’s transforming work in your life?

Craig J. Sefa

School of the Spirit retreat team
Contact Craig through his website, “Echo,” at or by email at

Upcoming Offerings

  • The Sacred Invitation: A One Year Soul-Shaping Experience

  • Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice

    • A Mini Retreat at Starrette Farm
      Saturday, September 30, 2023,
      1:00 am - 4:30 pm

      • Cost $35 per person

      • Facilitated by Ann Starrette & Nancy Bellamy

    • Learn more and register here

  • Contemplative Photography: Seeking Connection With God

  • Second Mile Mentoring

    • Second Mile Mentoring is an opportunity for SOS alumni who desire to share the contemplative practices they have learned with their community of faith. More info here

Creating space for God to strengthen souls and nurture growth toward vibrant wholeness in Christ for the sake of others.


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