Hello 2021

Dear School of the Spirit Alumni and friends,

“It’s taken a little bit to figure out what to share and say at the start of this new year. If your “now” is anything like mine, it is full. Full of the good and the challenging; it is a full gamut of emotion…full in so many ways. When life gets like this for me, I find it is time to simplify… to pan out and attempt to take in the forest rather than all the trees for a moment. This reflection is intended to be a simple posture of hello to 2021, taking a look at how I want to embrace it even as it begins to embrace me. I hope you find your own fitting posture through and beyond these words.” 

~ Ashley

Right on Schedule

2021 is here, arriving on my doorstep right on schedule, not a moment too soon. I have to say I did not do much of anything in preparation for its arrival this year. In years past, I’ve often acted like a mother putting together ideas when the kids come home to visit; having so much anticipation and excitement.  

Previous Years’ arrivals on my doorstep have been marked with exclaimed proclamations of what we will do together; travel plans, life goals, and projects we could start. 

It has been a more subdued welcome to 2021. I hope it doesn’t misunderstand, for I am thankful it is here. I am more than glad to make room for it as it takes up residence in my days. But, I haven’t pounced upon it with a lot of expectation. I’m inclined to let it unpack and unfold its own suitcases as, and how, it wants. After all, my sense is it’s had quite the hard journey to get here. 

Companions of the Soul

And so I wait, in the silence and solitude that can transform into the strength needed for each day. In this silence and solitude I am anything but not alone. There are two more companions of my heart and soul, who despite Year after Year’s comings and goings, they remain: God and grace. I relax in their company knowing they will help me get to know 2021 in all its liminal newness and unknown personality. If I know anything about these two steadfast companions of the soul is that God and grace have already slipped in loving surprises amongst whatever baggage 2021 carries.

As you read this, I hope you recognize that all this is yours, too. As 2021 unpacks all it has in store, 

  • May you welcome its possibilities and its uncertainties, knowing God and grace can use it all to yet again save us and the world.

  • May you continue your rule of life; the discipleship Eugene Peterson calls, “a long obedience in the same direction.”

  • May you introduce 2021 to the God and grace within your own heart; so that as 2021 takes up residence in the world it can be changed by the God and grace found in you and me.

School of the Spirit exists to nurture souls toward wholeness — the wholeness only God can give. Yet, God cannot transform us without our cooperation. One way we can partner with God in our transforming journey is through spiritual  practices that open space for God’s grace to work within us. 


Choose an upcoming day and give yourself some time and space to ponder the three invitations above: to welcome… to continue… to introduce… as you move into the new year. How is God inviting you, in a concrete way, to live into wholeness for the healing and well-being of the world? 


Ashley Pickerel Thomas, School of the Spirit Missioner
704-408-4248 | ashleygpthomas@icloud.com

Let’s Connect

If you would like to have a conversation partner on how you sense God inviting you into 2021, I would be honored to talk. Email me and we can set up a time.

Alumni Fall Refresher Retreat, October 4-5, 2021 

Knowing & Being Known: Transformation through Self-knowledge, Examination, and Confession
Monday 1:00 - 8:00 pm / Tuesday 9:00 - 4:00 pm
Starrette Farm Retreat.

Learn more and register here.
Details follow your registration/payment.

School of the Spirit, 2021-2022 | Cohort #12

Admissions Now Open!

Why do some alumni return? One said, I am returning because, “I desire to solidify what I saw, experienced, and learned the first time around. My capacity to receive, process, and absorb the material and experience Abbas movement/working in my life will be greater. I am eager to be strengthened in soul by way of the community itself, the structure of the retreats and assignments.” 

Explore & Apply Here

Embarking on our twelfth year and grounded in the ancient contemplative practices, this 12-month spiritual formation experience offers five 2-day retreats with monthly online interaction designed to help you reclaim the Christ-shaping practices that thirsty souls through the ages have used to open themselves to God’s transforming work.

Creating space for God to strengthen souls and nurture growth toward vibrant wholeness in Christ for the sake of others.


Two Truths and A Lie — Inner Critic Style


Bump in the Night, Bump in the Soul