Finding Rhythm When Everyone’s Stuck at Home


One thing living through a pandemic is teaching me is to be flexible and gracious with myself. Last summer, my spouse and I moved into a new home, and even wonderful changes upend a lot of routines — my Rule of Life included. I had finally settled into a great routine, and “POW!” the pandemic arrived along with its stay-at-home orders. This meant my spouse did not go off to work, leaving me with a quiet home to have my morning God time. Ever try centering prayer in an open-concept home while your spouse is rummaging around in the kitchen? Yeah, it doesn’t work. I tried to welcome, welcome, welcome the ambient noise, but that didn’t work either. 

Perhaps something similar to this has been true for you, too. Maybe you have kids who never leave the house anymore! Maybe stress and worry are overwhelming and/or energy-draining. This is a season to be flexible and gracious with yourself. I had to rework time and space to fit a new, temporary normal for my morning God time.  I had to fail at my Rule of Life goals some days and not take it too hard because after all, it really is a weird and hard time. 

You know who’s wonderful in weird and hard times? Who’s exceedingly flexible and gracious towards us in all circumstances? Yep, you got it — God. Trust that the Spirit is more than happy to guide you on what steps you can take to stay connected with God in the challenging, new normals of daily life. 

Different practices from School of the Spirit may come to the forefront as particularly helpful, and others you’ve depended on previously may fall back for a time. Pay attention to the Spirit’s leading about what you can tweak to fit into a Rule of Life for this moment. Remember, God’s Spirit is flexible and gracious toward you. Do what you can, not what you can’t. Continue to trust in the slow work of God. 


~ Ashley Thomas, School of the Spirit Missioner

Let’s Connect

  • If you would like to have a conversation partner on how to best fit School of the Spirit practices into life right now, I would be honored to talk. Email me and we can set up a time. 

Upcoming Offerings

  • Fall Refresher Alumni Retreat, October 5-6: Welcome to the Wall: a deeply holy place on the spiritual journey.  Learn more and register here

  • NEW! Second Mile Mentoring

    • Second Mile Mentoring is a new opportunity for SOS alumni who desire to share the contemplative practices they have learned with their community of faith. More info here

  • Outdoor Sanctuary Days for such a time as this. Details here

Creating space for God to strengthen souls and nurture growth toward vibrant wholeness in Christ for the sake of others.


Bump in the Night, Bump in the Soul


I Arise Today